Saturday, September 3, 2011

Top 5

It's always interesting to see what photos other people like. This is the "Top 5" of my Flickr pictures.

The vintage things are on the first place. This is what becomes of paper swap sometimes, little still lifes on my shelf.
Vintage things

8 "wreck this journals" in two years. Yes I am addicted. And yes I will not stop it.
Pages, pages, pages

Yarn in snow. This is my favorite picture.
Yarn in snow

This is a page from my "wtj #9". I don't know what people find so special about it. Maybe the Anne-Morrow-Lindbergh-Quote? (I have translated it on Flickr)
9 wtj Maps & Co.

And number 5, making one of my "mini collage books".
I am at it again 4

Which one do you like best?


  1. These are all wonderful but I agree that my favorite is the yarn on snow. I love the wood that they are wrapped around and the vibrant colors against the white snow.

  2. i love the photo of your journals! wow. so much creativity and passion in those pages. a whole slice of your life, right there in that shot.

  3. I have to agree, the yarn on snow. I like the texture, and the stark contrast of color against white

  4. the journals,but really they are all good

  5. The yarn in snow! That's my favorite, because they look like little people in tiny sweaters! Although I did enjoy each and every one of these photos.

  6. I also love the yarn in the snow followed by the stacked journals.

  7. I like the last photo best...I love seeing your materials, as well as your collage-in-progress. That kind of picture makes me want to get right up and head to my art table to make something!


So glad to hear from you!


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