It was a sunny day today and my studio glowed in a warm light. I hope my creativity will come back in spring.

There is so much green outside, because it’s much too warm here. I saw a dandelion today! Yellow, ready to bloom. Very strange. It’s January.

Looking forward to the fresh greens of spring.

It’s amazing how sunlight makes everything look so warm.
My creativity is still in my kitchen, it’s sounds terrible, like a Stepford wife, but it’s true! I really love these days, when there is no other obligation as to prepare good (slow) food, walk the dogs, keep the fire burning and write a blog and a journal.

I tried a buttermilk-rye bread from the “Super natural every day” book by Heidi Swanson. You should browse thru her
blog, so much inspiration for good natural food. The bread is easy to make and very tasty.
And I’ve made a nice fennel-celery-coconutchip pan with bulgur today.

For 2: Cook 1 big cup of bulgur (you can also use rice or couscous).
Toast coconut flakes (the bigger ones) in a pan and set them aside after getting light brown. Then wash, trim and slice a medium size fennel, celery, leek (or onions), a bit garlic and fry it with a good oil. Add herbs, pepper, salt and shoyu. Try and if it’s done, add the bulgur and the coconut chips and serve hot.

More kitchen stories are soon to come…enjoy your day…