It’s done, the collage box #1 has arrived safe and sound at my home again.
Do you remember? It was in February 2010 when I sent a box with 144 snippets all around the world to 28 different participants. It went from Germany to Poland, then to the Netherlands, France, the UK, flew over to USA, travelled through different states there and landed in Canada, then take another flight over to Australia (got stuck there, but not lost!) and travelled to New Zealand and arrived here at my home yesterday.
This is what I have sent at the beginning:

And here are the things what were in the box at the end, when it came back from Lisa (New Zealand), 220 items!!!

And this is what is left from the original snippets I have sent:

Inside was a little „sign in“ book, and all participants made this a real object of art too!

So a big thankyou goes out to everyone, who has been a part of this project, you really made this a wonderful experience with sending it on so quickly (and ignoring the high costs some of you had!) and filling it up with such lovely treasures!
Thank you Imke, Mosi, Anne, Eliza, Lien, Carine, Jill, Judy, Seth, Deb, Laura, Tammy, Pat, Kavindra, Patty, Joy, Mary-Jo, Lois, Kay, Candy, Janet, Shelley, Brandi, Robert, Lee, Sue, Jacky and Lisa.
To give you something back in return, I have used a random calculator to choose a number from all the participants. And it’s #10=Deb Eck from the USA who has won a little price: 144 items from the collage box and some papers for more collages and artwork to do! Hope you will enjoy!
You can read more about the whole project on my (old)
And I would like to show your work, your collages, what has become of it. Please send me your pictures or bloglinks (if you haven’t done it yet). I really appreciate.
Ongoing are still Box #2 and #3. And maybe there will be a #4 in the future. One never knows....