At last autum has come.

I have visited Schwerin, the capital city of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. This town is full of art and inspirations.

„Das Kontor“ is the oldest house in Schwerin and the art gallery in it is a little gem. In former GDR times there was a bakery in it and fortunatelly nobody has torn it down, not like so many other houses.

You can browse endless through all kind of arts: paintings, photography, pottery, jewellery, graphics, letterpress, dressmaking, felt, woodcut etc.. All is very well presented and very intriguing, because the old architecture is very neat and something special.

On the market. I always love handwritten labels. The herbs and spices of that one-woman’s shop „Wald und Würze“ (Forest and spices) are very good.

Tomatoes that look like plums. The yellow ones are the best: sweet, juicy, mild.

The seabuckthorn is typical for this area. Full of vitamine C.

Inspiration at every corner.

At last a visit at the Cathedral.
A church full of flowers, just like it should be.

Time for some fresh ones though.

Lovely windows! When the sun shines thru they make such a wonderful light, painting rainbows on the wall.