What gets us through the
night are the voices of the other women. Women who went down the path before us,
the path we all have to go.
It’s the amount of all the
small things, that lead us to one wisdom in the end: You are enough for
Til then it is long, winding,
stony, painful, often very painful. But mellow also, full of roses.
Inspirations and the voices
of those coming before, are guiding us.
Whenever we look at the lives
of other artists, we discover our own heartblood.
We all are motherless
daughters. And so are our mothers. Fallen off the once knowing universes of
womanhood, like moon and serpent, Mary’s cloak and milk, herbs and textile,
roots, the sea, birth and death. Nobody and nothing has initiated us, not even
our mothers. Their heritage often is shallow chatter, meaningless objects,
nothing, grains of sand running through our hands.
So we are the uninitiated.
But on the other side there
are our real mothers, ancient rocks of the universe, moondust and starsisters,
the wise knowledge of the blood, we still feel them in our veins, we still
carry them in our bellies.
They have not forgotten how
sacred our temples are and how connected our hearts.
And even though we stalk in little
too tight shoes through this world of technology, breasts taimed and uterus cut
down to small flame with throwing in a pill, they still whisper the old
knowlegde to us.
There fox is peeking round
the corner, clamping its naughty red paw last moment in the elevator door and
comes in with sage wind through the multi-store eyed* building.
In the end we sense sand and
adobe and moist earth between our toes as we shed our shoes for a moment,
before we straighten our sprayed curls in front of the mirror and a raven
feather lies smooth and pretty on our open palms.
We hear the outside rain and
an old taste is on our tongue.
In passing we taste the salt
of our own tears.
© LaWendula
*in original: meerstöckig,
not to translate word game with the German words mehr (multi) and Meer (sea). Mehrstöckig
would have been multi-storeyed. To keep a bit from this word game I changed it
to multi-store eyed.
This text was orginally written in German and translated by me. I appologize for any mistakes.